Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Life as we know it....

Well well well, what do you know...

I am officially an RN graduate.
I am not however and official RN until I pass boards but I have no huge worries about that.
Today was the last day of school and it was a bittersweet moment.
I have made new friends and will miss being so close to them but the time has come for us to branch out on our own and figure out this thing called life.
I start the Intermountain Residency program at McKay next week. This a nine week course to help transition us new grad nurses into the workplace.
I am so thankful for the oppurtunity and so thankful to CVTU for giving me a job as an RN.

Corey, my dear sweet husband has been amazing through all of this and I could not have and would not have wanted to do it without him. He has been a rock and a saving grace.
He is currently employed and working out of Evanston, WY.
The poor guy is foreman and under tons of stress but is pulling through and truely proving himself as an amazing employee.
I am so proud to call him not only my husband but also my best friend.

Life has been known to throw some curve balls and recently the pitcher of life has been throwing them fast.
As of a few weeks ago out townhome that has been on the market for close to 16 months, recieved an offer and went under contract.
*Que panic mode*
The hunt began for a home that we could purchase (what a chore).
Several small bites but nothing wonderful and then one bad phone call.
So now we wait until the buyer qualifies or something like that.......
*months of waiting to come....*

However, Corey and I are truely blessed with some amazing families that are so willing to help.
Without them life would be so much harder and so dull for sure.

Just this last weekend we made a weekend getaway for our "annual" trip to the Grey's river and to raft the Snake river.
Always an adventure!
We have dubbed ourselves the "Moonriders"
Can't wait till next year.

So of course you can never have too much of a good thing so off we go again on the schooling adventure.
I am starting back to school Aug 22nd for my Bachelor's degree.
Woot Woot!
I am super bummed that I don't get a break and super nervous about the severity of the program but..
I am SO SUPER glad that I am just rocking through it and not stopping.
I honestly know that once I got the taste of freedom then I would want the whole meal and my schooling would never be completed.
Thank goodness for some of life's little blessings.

As for the rest of the year thus far, it sure has been an interesting one.
In Jan., Corey and I started trying to get pregnant.
In the end of April, we found out that our dream had come true and I was about 6-7 weeks along.
But then our worst nightmare crashed our dream.
Miscarriage hit a week or two later and our world was rocked.
There is no explaining the rollercoaster of emotions that we went through.
But in the end we still had each other, I was safe and still able to get pregnant again, and we had faith that we would be blessed when the time was right.
So we are still trying and that's ok.
Baby will come when baby is good and ready.

So here we are just living life day to day and making the best of it.
Alot has been accomplished and more is to come.
We are standing strong together and ready for whatever life has to throw at us.

Thanks for taking time from your life to read about ours.
We love life and those who are here in it with us.

1 comment:

  1. You're an amazing woman and have found you an amazing man. I hope the condo gets sold soon, I know you both have been wanting a house. I'm so proud of you for your accomplishments and strength through the hard times. I don't know how Corey does it commuting back and forth, but with the strength of your relationship I know it's just making you both closer. I love you!
